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NaPro Technology works with your body’s natural cycle to restore health and fertility, creating an ideal environment for balanced hormones, or conception of a baby.


Start by reading our Free E-book, and see below to learn more!


Effectiveness Summary

Success rates compared between Artificial Reproductive Technology and NaPro Technology

Effectiveness of Charting and NaPro Treatment


The Creighton Model & The Restorative Fertility Clinic

SLUCare OB/GYN and restorative fertility specialist Dr. Patrick Yeung explains the core goal of the restorative fertility clinic.

The Creighton Model Fertility Clinic


Trending with Timmerie - Our Miracle Baby!

Timmerie shares her struggle through Hashimoto’s Disease and PCOS, comparing IVF to the incredible medical science of NaPro Technology.

Woman struggles with PCOS and Hashimotos compares IVF to Napro


5 Factors of Infertility

SLUCare OB/GYN and restorative fertility specialist Dr. Yeung explains the five major factors of infertility: the male factor, the female factor, the cervical factor, the sexual factor and the anatomical factor.

SLU five factors of infertility.jpg


My Journey

Heather Patel shares her personal story of being helped by NaPro Technology to conceive her twin boys.

Heather Patel FertilityCare Practitioner



​Outcomes From Treatment of Infertility With Natural Procreative Technology in an Irish General Practice

Outcomes from Treatment of Infertility with Natural Procreative NaPro Technology


I Have Children Thanks to IVF, But Here's Why I Would Never, Ever Recommend It

For one woman, the end did not justify the means.

Why I do not recommend IVF


Saint Paul VI Institute: NaProTech & FertilityCare

Founded by Dr. Thomas W. Hilgers, the Pope Paul VI Institute is recognized for 30+ years of research and education in women's health care and for its major development of the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System and NaProTechnology.

Dr Hilgers Omaha_Creighton Model Development


How Men Can Help With Infertility

A personal story of one woman who was offered compassion and hope from sharing her story with a near stranger.

Man offers compassion and hope


10 Reasons to Consider the Creighton Model FertilityCare System

Here is my personal elevator pitch for why you should consider learning to chart.

Evidence for FertilityCare and NaPro

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