Take control of your health
Do you suffer from unexplained symptoms?
Get to the root cause of irregular periods, birth control side effects, infertility, miscarriage or IVF/IUI failure, Polycystic Ovarian Disease or other reproductive health issues!
You CAN balance your hormones, achieve a healthy pregnancy, experience a regular cycle and restore your energy with Hormone Health Coaching!
Our Services
​We journey with women at every age, in every stage, to preserve and restore their health, hormones, and fertility.
We offer youth in highschool interactive, age-appropriate health education presentations. Our health awareness curriculum is meant to fill the gap in health education for young women and men, to enhance current curriculum provided in schools, and offer supportive resources that teachers can employ in the classroom. We demystify bodily changes and empower youth to make better choices in preserving their health.
We coach women on how to restore and optimize their health to achieve hormone balance. Whether recovering from use of the pill, an irregular cycle, PCOS, infertility, PMS, postpartum depression, we know these symptoms are our hormones trying to tell us something’s wrong. By listening to our hormones and gaining a better understanding, we can work together to restore your health.
We know the heartache of unexplainable infertility, repeated miscarriages, and failed IVF/IUI methods for women and their partners. We offer a solution that is virtual and affordable, with a simple-to-learn personalized program that has proven success rates. No pills, test strips, artificial or invasive technology.

Meet Heather Patel
Certified FertilityCare Practitioner (CFCP)
Hi! My name is Heather. I founded Integra in 2020 as a FertilityCare Practitioner teaching the Creighton fertility awareness model and have since sought a hormone coaching certification to further help women on their journey to health restoration.
I came to learn about natural fertility methods when I encountered reproductive issues resulting in unexplained infertility. With the help of this model my fertility was restored, and I gave birth to twin boys! I firmly believe in bringing hope to women struggling with unexplainable symptoms that are not being solved by the traditional medical system. Together, we CAN find the root cause to restore your health!
I have heard from women countless times “I wish I had known that” and “Why don’t they teach this?”. I believe that filling the gap of information for younger women (and men!) within the education system will help bring about change within our medical system to provide better reproductive health services. Teaching students about their health and how to advocate for themselves has become a passion project; inspiring men and women to take ownership of their health and become empowered to make better health choices to prevent disease and preserve their health.
I'm excited to meet you!
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